On the 8th of December 2012, my beautiful daughter Mirabel entered the world, and since then she has run me ragged! I have been chasing after her every need – feeding, changing and entertaining her when she needs it. Part of it was out of duty – especially in the first two weeks when I had no sleep and much pain – but now it is mostly done out of an unconditional sense of joy and love, and just wanting to serve this divine little gift I have been given.
It reminded me this morning of that passage in the Bible about ‘being subject to one another’, and for a moment in my head I reversed the phrase – instead of feeling subject to each other, and succumbing on occasion to that sense of drudgery that accompanies servitude, how about instead trying to treat each other as royalty instead? The good part about it, is that while viewing everyone around us as royalty, it can make us feel like kings and queens, giving us a chance to be benevolent leaders, generous patrons, world protectors, and ambassadors for the most glorious Kingdom. And it makes singing the national anthem a little easier to sing too…God save the Queen? He already did…
Posted by Wilderness Rose.